Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Monday night I decided to sit down and watch Secret Window starring Depp. I've heard a little buzz about the movie, though I did have an impression from previews that there was some cheese involved. Boy was I wrong. This movie had to have been the most jam packed cheese ball movie made in the last five years. I felt just like my driving instructor felt during drivers training... a lot of jerky stops, hard turns along with all disregard to the rules of the road. The plot had more holes in it than my last pair of drawers. How on earth did Johnny Depp agree to doing this movie? Personally, I believe the director should be barred from Hollywood.

Last night, I had been referred to watch The Last of the Dogmen. I was referred by a north woods hero who grew up on John Wayne movies. This was a movie about an exiled Cheyenne tribe whom were strangely stumbled upon by the character Lewis played by Tom Berenger. Not even five minutes in I knew I was wasting my time. The acting was terrible and if the writing was any worse you would think that I had wrote the script. The best actor in the movie was the mutt dog and at times Zipp even faltered. This has to be the worst movie made in the last 10 years. Would would have thought I would stumble across two skin crawling, irritating movies in two consectutive night?


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