Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Our Savior... Joe Mauer

Truly... I want to know what you all are thinking. Is this knee injury as big of a deal as the media is making it out to be? I keep reading the stories because of the high interest to me and they have quirked my inquisitive attitude.

To all of you, non-baseball and more importantly unknowing Twins fans, Joe Mauer is considered to be the future of the Twin organization. He is an impressive hitter with even better fielding skills. In only 35 games last year he landed himself in the 3 spot of the hitting rotation. A position reserved only for the team All-Star.

A knee injury now has made for major discussion to move Mauer to DH or another infield position. This is a move the Twins are prepared to make; changing the entire line-up and infield. Is all the effort worth this young man? A young man considered to be the #1 prospect in baseball in both 2004 and 2005. I would say definitely. Though, I believe folk are over-exaggerating the situation.

Read between the lines. This newfound soreness in Mauer's knee is expected. Even through these expectations doctors have not ruled him from the Catcher position. Soreness is soreness, not pain. Just like an engine repair, the engine needs to break the repair into the mold of the rest of the engine. Mauer will be fine; he'll heal as expected and grow to exceed our expectations in Major League Baseball. All the press that he his getting now will grow and his skills will be worth writing about.


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