Monday, March 14, 2005

A night with Interpol.

I couldn't have walked out of First Ave. Saturday night with a bigger smile on my face. Though, I was beaten by Jeremiah whom had a grin pasted from ear to ear. My senses were in overload and my knees were shaking. There was no need to get any relief from any type of cigarette throughout the rest of the night.

A pathetically overwhelming band called The Q and Not U opened Saturday. They were half an hour late from their start time and made no mistake to play their whole set list. They were a funky version of Bon Jovi and people loved them. Though, the mix of crowd that night created this spunk. Half the people were in their Thirties and I'm sure the mess of sound that The Q and Not U made brought them straight back to the Eighties.

Interpol played a strong set-list from both albums. They had a light show and the ferocity to have been playing across the street in the Target Center. I've never seen quite the light set-up in First Ave. than I did that night. This is a band ready for greater things and believe me they're ready. The sound was perfect and the songs were played flawlessly. If it wasn't for the occasional feedback I could have sworn they were performing like Ashlee Simpson on SNL.

Lastly, I have to give props to Craig’s List for help in finding tickets. I picked up two tickets three hours prior to show time and paid face value.


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would definitely agree with Joshua on this, this show was fantastic!


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