Friday, March 25, 2005

Ricoculous Law

Here's a little story for you all about how obscure our law, justice, and tax systems have become.

This actually happened last night to a friend of mine that most of you readers probably also know, Teddy B. Ted is in, what I believe to be, his third year of Law School at William Mitchell in St. Paul. Yesterday he was in the school law library studying like a good school boy filling his head with all the knowledge his brain would allow. He never told me exactly why, but he wanted to find a copy of our constitution. You all know this document, The Constitution of the United States of America, the one which all law and justice is based.

He truthfully had no idea where to look and being in a law library he felt rather embarrassed to ask anyone. As far as he believed, (and I would assume the same) there would be a whole section in the library with a huge sign and arrows that read, “THE CONSTITUTION”. Unfortunately, he headed for the info desk and asked the question he dreaded to ask, "Where could I find a copy of The Constitution?"

They had no idea. They actually looked for the darn thing for three (3) whole hours. And when they finally found a copy; they found a pocket sized version. Not even the high quality pocket books like the Bibles the Guidiens handed out to us as students in grade school, but a stack of papers stapled in the middle. The good point is that they actually had a copy. Though, through all the attention the interpretation of the law receives in thousands upon millions of books that the library holds, the only respect the simplest truth of the law received is a stack of papers stapled in the middle.


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