AMERICAN GUN in theaters MARCH 24th!!!!!

This is the email I received last night from Aric. I would hope you all take the time to support this amazing film. Links are listed and the trailer can be viewed on I hope you all enjoy!
Dear Friends,
After years of hard work, anticipation, and showings at the Toronto, South by Southwest, and Tiburon Film Festivals, I'm happy to announce that our film "American Gun" starring Forest Whitaker, Donald Sutherland, Marcia Gay Harden, Tony Goldwyn and Linda Cardellini is officially opening this Wednesday, March 22, at the Landmark Sunshine Theater in New York City followed by openings in:
Hollywood, CA at the Laemmle Sunset 5, Pasadena, CA at the Academy Theater, & Newport Beach, CA at the Regency Lido Theater all this FRIDAY, MARCH 24th!!!
It's finally here!!!!
Please come out and support the film, as many of you helped make this movie possible through long standing love, support and friendship.
As the co-writer and director of "American Gun", I want to thank you for beliving in this film and for believing in me. I'm in NY doing press, Q&A's, and special screenings of the film, and it all seems very surreal. I mention this because when I've brought this up to many of you, few are suprised that this is finally happening because you always believed it would. I cannnot say enough about how blessed I feel to have such an amazing group of friends and family that have always had faith and pushed me to accomplish my goals and dreams.
It is beacuse of you that "American Gun" is the strong, emotional, challenging film that I wanted it to be and that I know you will enjoy.
Please make time this weekend to go to the closest of the above theaters listed and see "American Gun" for the first time on the big screen near you.
Please also make a bit of time this week to tell everyone you know to do the same! It's been a long time coming and if the film does well this opening weekend, it is only the beginning for "American Gun".
Thank You. God Bless.
Aric Avelino (co-writer, director of "American Gun")
P.S. Following these cities there will be about 20 more openings across America; everywhere from Boston to Buffalo and Kansas City to San Francisco. Visit our website at: and check out the site at:
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