
As you may well know that when I pay attention to this blog I make some changes. For example, last night I changed the 'Disks You Should Spin' section in the right hand column. I bet you didn't notice, but there is one particular group I have list that have been raved quite handsomely as of late.
I wouldn't know where the puns would end, but I'll throw one in and welcome you all to stand up and give a round of applause to my new favorite band on the scene, Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah! If you haven't done so already, do it, they're amazing. At least try to listen until you can finally understand the lyrics then you'll be amazed again.
Grab your rollers and spread the word, these guys are here to stay. I think I'm a bit late in the game, but I'll spread the word anyways. ReVieW lInK HEre... AnD biTChForK REviEw HeRe.